45 Minutes to Open and Close a Thumbdrive


In a borrowed classroom because ours was being used for testing.

With a class that pops out of focus without routine and structure.

Delivering a tech lesson requested by the homeroom teacher.

On 5 year old computers cast off from a sister school that was now using MacBook Airs.

Twenty fifth graders take 45 minutes to open and close a thumb drive.

To be fair, some students drifted in from the library–the original relocation location.

The students who have arrived early begin keyboarding. Quietly.

Everyone present. Time to insert the USB.

Open Computer. Locate the removable drive. Look for USB Brand. It will be different than the one you see on the screen.

Loading times vary from 5 to 55 seconds.

My expectations yo-yo. When to let go and when to pull back?

My blood pressure rises and falls in staccato silences between observations of “how patient” some people are being while others’ noises are “not helpful.”

As the clock jumps toward the end of the period, I have the horrible realization that the USB needs also to be ejected properly.

Or material might be lost. Damaged. Erased.

Locate the task bar. The ejection icon. Offer a solution if the “disk was still in use.”

Applaud those who have closed their applications completely before attempting to eject.

Finally. Safety. Safe to remove disk.

Rrrrrrring. End of hour.

Remove thumb drive.

About jaclynfre

Recipe adventurer, fast walker, sporadic writer, aunt, sister and daughter
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4 Responses to 45 Minutes to Open and Close a Thumbdrive

  1. LSquared says:

    Your account has the tension and suspense I always feel when working with large groups of students in unfamiliar settings — and especially with any electronic devices on hand.
    Thanks for this portrait.

    • jaclynfre says:

      Thanks for reading! Having children witness an adult work through glitches and troubleshooting is a valuable lesson. Especially if that adult can count to ten when the tension starts to rise. ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Sounds like you kept your patience in a frustrating situation. You remind me of how much I love Google Drive!

    • jaclynfre says:

      Did you notice that this USB lesson was requested by their homeroom teacher? I am a big fan of Google Drive, but the teacher feels there are too many steps for the students to remember in order to log in and out. I will be teaching them the Google Drive Lesson as well–which I had on deck to follow the 10-15 minutes I had budgeted for the USB lesson. But. We ran out of time. ๐Ÿ™‚

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